Mental Health in Atlanta

Experiencing mental health challenges like anxiety or depression can be tough, prompting the journey towards finding suitable mental health treatment in Atlanta.

Seeking care becomes more impactful with adequate education. A better understanding of mental health disorders and available treatment avenues enhances your readiness in choosing the right treatment source for your unique needs.

West Georgia Wellness Center, located in Atlanta, Georgia, stands as a reputable source of precise information and tailored care for individuals whose lives have been touched by mental illness.

Types of Mental Health Treatment we offer

Anxiety Treatment in Atlanta, GA

Anxiety Disorders

Peace of Mind: Our Anxiety Disorder Program Offers Effective Treatment and Support for Managing Symptoms and Living a Full, Happy Life

bipolar disorder Treatment in Atlanta, GA

Bipolar Disorders

Stability and Hope: Our Bipolar Disorder Program Offers Compassionate Care and Evidence-Based Treatments for a Healthier, More Fulfilling Life

Thought Disorder Treatment in Atlanta, GA

Thought Disorders

Cultivating Clarity: Our Thought Disorder Program Offers Comprehensive Care and Evidence-Based Treatments for Managing Symptoms and Improving Cognitive Functioning

Schizophrenia Treatment in Atlanta, GA


Discover the route to recovery with West Georgia Wellness Center’s comprehensive Schizophrenia treatment in Atlanta, GA.

ADHD Treatment in Atlanta, GA


Unlocking Your Potential: Our ADHD Program Empowers You to Thrive with Personalized Treatment and Guidance

Depression Treatment in Atlanta, GA


Finding Your Way Forward: Our Depression Program Combines Expert Care and Innovative Therapies to Help You Overcome Symptoms and Rediscover Joy

Trauma Therapy in Atlanta, GA


Healing Your Wounds: Our Trauma Program Combines Compassion and Skill with Evidence-Based Treatments for Overcoming Painful Memories and Restoring Wellness

Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment in Atlanta, GA

Borderline Personality Disorders

Balancing Your Emotions: Our BPD Program Provides Skillful Support and Tools for Managing Symptoms and Improving Quality of Life

OCD Treatment in Atlanta, GA

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Freedom Obsessions and Compulsions: Our OCD Program Provides Compassionate Support and Evidence-Based Therapies for Managing Symptoms and Living Fully

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Atlanta, GA

Dual Diagnosis

Integrated Care for Dual Diagnosis: Our Program Offers Expert Treatment and Compassionate Support for Those with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders

Identifying signs and symptoms of mental health disorders

Mental health disorders cover a vast spectrum of conditions, each with its own set of symptoms. However, there are general signs and symptoms indicative of possible mental health issues. It’s important to acknowledge that manifesting one or more of these symptoms doesn’t automatically confirm a mental health disorder, making professional diagnosis crucial for accurate identification and subsequent treatment.

If you suspect you or a loved one may be grappling with a mental health disorder, reach out to our mental health facility in Atlanta today at 470-347-1705.

Here are prevalent signs and symptoms of mental health disorders:

  • Mood alterations: Significant or prolonged mood swings may be indicative of mental health disorders like depression or bipolar disorder, manifesting as extended periods of sadness or extreme mood oscillations from highs (mania) to lows (depression).
  • Behavioral changes: Withdrawal from social engagements, neglecting work or home duties, or engaging in hazardous behaviors can be signs of concern.
  • Sleep variations: Over-sleeping or insomnia could be symptomatic of disorders such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder.
  • Appetite or weight fluctuations: Notable weight changes or altered eating habits may signal eating disorders or other mental health conditions.
  • Persistent worry or anxiety: While anxiety is a common emotion, continuous, uncontrolled worry could signify an anxiety disorder.
  • Concentration issues: Difficulty in focusing or clear thinking may be linked to mental health disorders like depression or anxiety, and in severe cases, it could indicate conditions such as schizophrenia or dementia.
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt: Persistent negative self-perception, excessive guilt, or feelings of worthlessness are prevalent in depression and other mood disorders.
  • Unexplained physical symptoms: Physical symptoms like stomachaches, headaches, or other unexplained discomforts can be caused by many mental health disorders.
  • Intense fear or phobia: Disproportionate fear of specific things or situations may signal a phobia or anxiety disorder.
  • Suicidal thoughts or self-harm: These grave symptoms could manifest in various mental health disorders like depression and borderline personality disorder, requiring urgent attention.

It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional if these symptoms are observed, especially if they interfere with daily activities or cause distress. Remember, help is accessible, and mental health disorders are manageable.

Diagnosing mental health disorders

The diagnosis of a mental health disorder entails a thorough evaluation of a person’s symptoms, medical history, and often, a mental status examination. The objective is to exclude any medical conditions that might be triggering the symptoms, identify the specific mental health disorder(s), assess any risk of harm to oneself or others, and devise an appropriate treatment plan.

Our diagnostic procedure usually kicks off with a detailed interview, where our team inquires about the patient’s symptoms, their duration, impact on life, personal and family medical history, and any substance use. Physical examinations and lab tests might be conducted to rule out other conditions. In some instances, psychological evaluations or genetic testing may be necessitated, comprising filling out questionnaires or participating in special tasks and activities aimed at evaluating thinking patterns, memory, and emotional functionality. Diagnosis is an ongoing process that may be adjusted as new data emerges or as the person’s symptoms evolve. Effective diagnosis is pivotal in outlining the right treatment plan and facilitating recovery.

Mental health treatment in Atlanta

Mental health treatment encompasses various methods, often combined, to cater to the distinct needs and symptoms of each individual. The most common treatment modalities are psychotherapy and medication, although other interventions might be employed depending on the type and severity of the mental health disorder. At West Georgia Wellness Center, we offer the following treatments:

Get the Mental Health Treatment That You Deserve Today

Untreated mental health disorders pose challenges to numerous Americans today. Several individuals remain untreated due to the negative stigma surrounding mental health, lack of resources, costs, or other hurdles. West Georgia Wellness Center is committed to offering solutions to those in need of mental health treatment.

Reach out to us today to commence your mental health treatment journey in Atlanta, GA, and surrounding regions at our residential mental health treatment center.

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